Excerpt From Article from the Maui Times
And finally, a fond adios and good luck to friend and musical compadre Joe Cano who recently relocated to San Diego. As a fine parting shot, Maui smiled upon Joe and returned a two-of-a-kind (Al Dimeola has the other) Ovation Legend guitar that was originally stolen out of his truck at a gig in 1994. After years of searching, Joe and Annie had given up all hope of recovering the axe, when word comes that it was picked up at a pawn shop and had been spending its time performing at church services in Pukalani for the past several years. When the current owner, Terry Zane, got word that the six string he had been playing had belonged to Joe, he generously offered to give it back free and clear and complete the circle. Well, one good deed deserves another, and Joe and Annie decided to bring a Peavey bass over as to not leave Mr. Zane stringless. Gotta love a happy ending. Good luck and God bless.
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